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Keeping you up to date on all the popping news.

3 min read
Commercial 241 Clean Air Quality Test Kit Announced, New Tools for HVAC Airflow & Clean Air Testing
Mobile BreatheScore Kit allows building professionals to run our air tracer and sensor system tests in less than an hour with lab quality.

4 min read
In conversation with the experts: ASHRAE Standard 241, testing methods and sustainability outcomes
Authored by Kalyan Kottapalli, Ph.D., Marwa Zaatari, Ph.D., and Sam Molyneux of Poppy Health and Mark Jackson, Ph.D., of Daikin Comfort...

2 min read
New findings: ASHRAE Standard 241 shows a new key to energy savings
By: Sam Molyneux, Marwa Zaatari and Kalyan Kottapalli 2023 was the year ASHRAE Standard 241 was developed with the sole purpose of...

2 min read
Poppy welcomes Dr. Marwa Zaatari as Head of Product: Award-winning industry expert joins to lead an energy revolution for healthy buildings
San Francisco, July 11, 2024 - Poppy, the market leader in advanced air technologies for healthy sustainable buildings, is excited to...

3 min read
Revolutionizing Indoor Air Quality: Poppy Partners with ResQ for a Healthier Tomorrow in Hospitality
Transform the way we balance air in buildings across various industries, including hospitalitity. Partnering with ResQ to increase clean air

3 min read
The Unseen Ingredient in Your Dining Experience: Clean Air. Restaurants add air quality to the menu.
One aspect that frequently goes unnoticed but plays a significant role in your dining experience: air cleanliness and air quality.

3 min read
Commercial 241 Clean Air Quality Test Kit Announced, New Tools for HVAC Airflow & Clean Air Testing
Mobile BreatheScore Kit allows building professionals to run our air tracer and sensor system tests in less than an hour with lab quality.

3 min read
Looking for a vape detection? Finally, a vape monitor that is trustworthy.
Vape sensor that monitors and detects vape smoke by signature and alerts in real (SMS) time. No more false positives.

3 min read
What is a VOC? How is is connected to indoor air health?
In today's fast-paced world, it's crucial to prioritize our health and well-being. One aspect that often goes unnoticed is indoor air...

2 min read
Revolutionizing Indoor Air Quality Wall Mount Monitors, Not just IAQ
The BreatheScore Monitor IAQ, wall mounted indoor air quality monitor, is revolutionizing the way we monitor indoor air quality. With its...
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